Category Archives: Music Producers

Music Producers: The Beat Selling Squad & Blitz Beats Is a Scam (And Here’s Why)

Important: Are you on Facebook? Like my page (opens in new window) for the latest Beat Selling Tips!

I’m sure most of you have heard about the Beat Selling Squad and you might be interested in joining, but I’m here to tell you DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

I was a member of the squad and I can tell you honestly that I was disappointed.

I got in under the assumption that it was an environment for music producers, but I soon found out that it was more about promoting a network marketing company.

What really got me pissed off about the whole thing was how the founder of the group Blitz Beats wasn’t even teaching me the things that he promised.

He brings you in and have you believe that your gonna learn how to sell beats more effectively and then you find out that he’s basically tryna upsell you on going “all in” by buying all the Empower Network products.

Now this is not to throw shade on Empower Network because it’s a great company however…

…when you got slimey ass people under your brand it’s not a good look.

The thing that sent everything over the top was when he posted in the group chat about how he wasn’t doing hangouts with members that weren’t “all in”

…The Fuck???

I don’t wanna waste my energy typing up a long ass post about how you should avoid Blitz and the squad all together, I’ll just let the video below explain it in more detail.

Why Blitz Beats and The Beat Selling Squad Is a SCAM!

I would love to hear your thoughts so PLEASE leave a COMMENT below and SHARE this with other producers to warn them!


K-Felon Beats

Beat Selling Squad – Music Producers Selling Beats

Important: Are you on Facebook? Like my page (opens in new window) for the latest beat selling tips.

It’s been a while since I was on a hangout with the brother Blitz Beats, and this was definitely a great hangout.

He not only reveals his ‘secret’ to having $10,000 months, but he tells you how you can  generate that type of money and more.

I can guarantee that you won’t find any of the other TOP beat sellers online revealing their secrets without a price, and that’s what separates Blitz from the rest of them.

Make sure you get your pen and paper ready because there will be plenty of jewels dropped in this one.

How To Sell Beats Online Like The Pros

If you enjoyed this hangout please SHARE it with other producers.


K-Felon Beats

P.S-Download The Beat Selling Bible for ONLY $1 Here

How Do Music Producers Get Paid In The Music Industry Today?

Urgent: Are you on Facebook? Like my page (opens in new window) for the latest info on the music business.

Every music producer, signed or unsigned, should understand music royalties. Unfortunately, most don’t.

This is why you hear a music producer all over the radio (i.e DJ Mustard) and they’re not getting paid for their work.

So in this video I’m going to break down how we as music producers get paid, and why you must study this type of information.

I encourage you to watch the video below over a few times because it’s vital information if you want to survive in this game.

How Music Producers Get Paid Royalties

Like I said in the video I encourage you to watch this over, because this game is shady, and you either know how to play it, or you get raped tryna make it big. (LITERALLY in some cases)


K-Felon Beats

P.S-Download The Beat Selling Bible Here

Music Producers: The #1 Thing You Can Do To Market Your Beats

Important: Are you on Facebook? Like my page (opens in new window) for the latest marketing and beat making tips.

Shout out to Chris Robley over at The DIY Musician for this tip.

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